What is My SQL?

MySQL is a database management system (DBMS), using the SQL language (Structured Query Language) using it in the interface. It is a Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS).

The RDBMS works with open code, used in database management, in relational models. It is written by a programming language, however it uses SQL as primary, MySQL is written in C and C++.

The project creation began in the year 1980, created by David Axmark, Allan Larsson and Michael Widenius. MySQL AB, the developer of MySQL, was purchased by Sun Microsystems for $1 billion on January 16, 2008. After that, in April 2009, Sun Microsystems was acquired by Oracle, including all its products, including MySQL.

MySQL is extremely useful, with its simple interface and its ability to run on multiple operating systems. MySQL has a free license, also known as a program with open source code, giving the user the possibility to make changes to the software, however there is a company that manages what can be changed or not, known as GLP (GNU – General Public License), determining what is or cannot be changed.

In MySQL, the user can choose 3 table formats, which are: ISAM, HEAP and MyISAM, also the most updated versions accept the tables: InooDB or BDB. Once you create the table, you must choose which model to use, the most common is MyISAM.

The MySQL file contains the extension .frm, automatically generated by the system.

MySQL Encrypted by Ransomware

Ransomware is malware that aims to break into, encrypt and extract as many files as possible, it acts like a data hijacker. With encryption it blocks all access to the company’s internal files, thus paralysing its operation causing significant damage to the company.

Some ransomware groups use double extortion, which is the encryption plus the theft of sensitive files for the company, if the blocking does not lead the company to pay the ransom demanded by criminals, the stolen files are disclosed in the dark web. Groups that act this way have exclusive sites for leaking files.

Speaking directly of MySQL, after the ransomware invades it, it blocks access to administrators, thus beginning the encryption of files and tables.

The files generated by MySQL have the extension .frm, after encryption, the ransomware itself creates its extension, preventing access to the files and information.

Ransomware has its extensions, and they are different, each ransomware contains its own, and they contain different rules from each other. However, most of them are created with the same standard AES and RSA encryption. This makes it impossible to bring the files back.

The hackers ask for a ransom that needs to be paid in cryptocurrencies to release the decryption key. But, there are no concrete guarantees that the data will be decrypted after payment.

The ransomware leaves a ransom note on the system explaining what happened and leaving the contact for the company to contact for the ransom payment.

It is worth remembering that you need to have a professional setup on your security devices. If you use an Antivirus, make sure that it is professional. It is advisable to have an individual Firewall for the server that contains the MySQL database, there is external Firewall like Pfsense, well secure and configurable to improve the security of your database.

After having a security configuration, it is important to perform daily backups of your data. Even though MySQL is very secure, it can be hacked. There are configurations that allow you to perform automatic backups.

Recover MySQL Database Encrypted by Ransomware

After being hacked, the safest option is to look for a company that specialises in recovering data encrypted by ransomware.

Digital Recovery specialises in data recovery, we have been in this field for over 20 years. We have developed our own technologies, so we are at the forefront of ransomware encrypted data recovery.

All our solutions are exclusive and were developed based on the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and we provide the confidentiality agreement (NDA) so that there is full security for both parties.

Contact us, we are at your disposal to recover MySQL database encrypted by ransomware.

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