Data Recovery on DLT Magnetic Tapes

One of the leading national brands in tape data recovery.

Recover Tapes




25 years








Recover DLT tapes

We are at the forefront of Tape data recovery

DLT (Digital Linear Tape) magnetic tapes are a high-capacity and durable data storage medium. However, even with these advantages, data loss can still occur.

Data loss on DLT tapes can occur for several reasons. One of the main reasons is physical degradation of the magnetic tape itself.

Other factors that can affect data integrity on DLT tapes include exposure to strong magnetic fields and contamination from dust or other particles.

In the event of data loss on a DLT magnetic tape, data recovery is possible. If data loss does occur, it is important to seek the help of a qualified data recovery professional who can recover the lost data.

Digital Recovery has put itself on the market with unique solutions that can recover DLT tapes.

With time and use, the tape can become worn, damaged, or even warped, which can affect the integrity of the data stored.

Why Digital Recovery?

Digital Recovery has been working in tape data recovery for over two decades, with exclusive and proprietary technologies that put us at the forefront of DLT recovery.

We also provide non-disclosure agreement (NDA), so that all recovered files are confidential.

We are used to working in highly complex cases, serving large companies that have suffered data loss in Tape, Servers, Databases, RAID Systems, Storages, Virtual Machines, and others.

We count on emergency mode recovery, in this mode our labs have 24X7 availability, so that the process is done as quickly as possible.

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Answers from our experts

How can data loss occur on a DLT magnetic tape?

Data loss on a DLT magnetic tape can occur in a number of ways, including read/write errors, mechanical failure of the tape or tape drive, exposure to external magnetic fields, or natural wear and tear of the tape over time.

How can you prevent data loss on DLT tapes?

Algumas maneiras de prevenir a perda de dados em fitas magnéticas DLT incluem a realização regular de backups em fitas adicionais, armazenamento adequado das fitas (por exemplo, em um ambiente climatizado e livre de poeira), verificação regular da integridade dos dados armazenados nas fitas e substituição das fitas após um certo número de usos.

What is the average life of a DLT magnetic tape?

The average life of a DLT magnetic tape depends on several factors, such as the frequency of use, the temperature and humidity of the storage environment, and the quality of the tape itself. In general, DLT tapes can last from 10 to 30 years, but it is recommended to replace them after about 5 years of use to avoid data loss.

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What you need to know

When it comes to cost effectiveness there is no doubt that magnetic tapes are the best choice for storing backups. Tapes were designed for this purpose and offer several years of durability, unlike hard disks.

Hard disks are made up of mechanical parts, which in turn are susceptible to failure and data loss. Not that magnetic tapes are immune to data loss, data loss can occur with tapes, but it is much rarer than with hard disks.

We can separate the connections into three, which are: Standalone, autoloaders and library.

  • Standalone – A single simple drive.
  • Autoloaders – Stores more than one cartridge and has an automatic loading mechanism with LTO drive.

Library – Stores multiple cartridges and more than one drive in various sizes and capacities.

Through unique technologies Digital Recovery can bring back encrypted data on any storage device, offering remote solutions anywhere in the world.

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